Natasha and Matt were married at Ten Mile Station in Breckenridge, Colorado. I worked with them for about a year before their big day. I typically work very closely with the bride during her wedding planning process. This wedding was different. For this wedding I worked with Natasha's dad for most of it. It was so much fun working with Natasha's dad because he just wanted the day to be perfect for his little girl. Again, if you follow along with our blog at all you know that I just love a great father / daughter relationship! And for a dad to take on the daunting task of wedding planning, you know that relationship is special!
They came to me having already booked the wedding venue Ten Mile Station and the band Diamond Empire, but needed help with everything else. They needed someone they could reach out to during their entire wedding planning process. They wanted to the heavy lifting but needed a person that knew the area inside and out. We offer the Month of and More wedding planning package which was perfect for them! They had unlimited contact to a wedding planner that could answer any questions they had and provide recommendations. Aside from the Full Service Wedding Planning Package, it's really the perfect wedding planning package. But I digress ;)
During my meeting, the day before their wedding, Natasha and Matt were just so clearly excited to get married. We went over all the details and fine print but really what was important to them was starting a life together. I just love seeing this. So the next day was perfect. Honeycomb and Company was their florist and they did such an amazing job. I just loved the decor detail on the chuppa. Matt actually made the chuppah which made it even more special. Matt's dad had the honor of performing the ceremony. I always love when couples decide to go this route. There is something to be said about hiring professionals for every aspect of your wedding day except for this one. It's a fun way to include even more people into your special day. I love it! After an amazing ceremony, guests enjoyed cocktails out on the deck with the gorgeous mountain view. Dinner and dancing proceeded and Natasha and Matt had a blast. Thank you to Brittany at Alchemy Creative for capturing and sharing the day!
And a huge congratulations to Natasha and Matt for choosing us to be your Breckenridge Wedding Planners!

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