Kris & Tom. Let's focus on the first photo for a second. I'm sorry but I have to say it. That is a sh*t ton of snow. Kris and Tom toured the Alpenglow Stube for their Keystone winter wedding the year before. Well the year before we had an extremely small amount of snow. This year? Record high amount. In fact, the night before after leaving their wedding rehearsal, I was in a really bad car accident because it was blizzard'ing and someone ran into me. I went through this whole ordeal, 5 months pregnant (with my first), had ultrasounds, saw the doctor, had zero sleep and still pulled off an amazing wedding about 12 hours after the accident. The couple never knew about my whole situation and that's the way it should be. The show must go on!!
So on with the details!! Kris and Tom were married at the Alpenglow Stube in Keystone, Colorado. The original plan was to have the wedding ceremony on Anticipation Run but with all the snow, Kris made the decision early that day to have the wedding inside the Alpenglow Stube. It turned out perfectly because it was nice and cozy inside the lodge. Garden of Eden provided all the gorgeous flowers that added to the beauty of having a wedding inside the lodge. It was important to Kris to recreate both her mother and Tom's mother wedding bouquets from their weddings so they could hold those as they came down the aisle. Isn't that such a cute idea?! A Great Time DJ kept everyone dancing the entire night. A huge thank you to Sarah Roshan Photography for providing us with these awesome photos!

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