Ana & Cody. We worked with Ana to plan her Breckenridge, Colorado wedding at the Lodge at Breckenridge, for about a year. She wanted a picturesque Breckenridge winter wedding. The Lodge at Breckenridge obviously came to mind because it has one of our favorite views in Summit County. Ana wanted a very rich color palette with burgundy's, golds, creams, pinks and greens. We enlisted the help of florals and decor from Erin Ashley Design and Colorado Party Rentals. If you've been following along on our blog you know that we are suckers for an awesome wedding floral installation. And this one over the head table did not disappoint!
One big thing that stood out during our wedding planning process was that Ana really wanted snow on her wedding day. She said that she even did a few 'snow dances' to ensure her guests were able to have the full Breckenridge winter wedding experience. And did we mention everyone was coming from south Texas? Most of her guests were coming from such a warm area of the country that snow would be rather foreign to them. Well fast forward to Ana and Cody's wedding day and snow it did. It was such a huge storm. Our winter, up until that point, had been somewhat mild. We had some snow but no big massive snow storms. Until their wedding day. Of course. All that dancing evidently really paid off because the snow was insane. In fact, it snowed so much that even Ana's sister wasn't able to make the wedding because they were snowed in! Ana took it all in stride and said with a smile and a shrug, "I really wanted snow!" Ana was just so excited to marry her best friend, outside, in the snow.
The rest of the day was perfect! Phil Gallagher braved the cold, along with Ana and Cody's guests, to perform the ceremony. I would say there was about an inch, inch and a half of accumulation on Phil's head after the ceremony. It was really coming down! After the wedding ceremony the guests moved inside to warm up with some cocktails, dinner and dancing. After dinner there were so many delicious desserts! Because Ana works at a gym, she wanted alll the sweets at her wedding to really live it up. There were three, yes three, bakers. A Cake Come True, Julie Copley and Katy Pierson Cake each provided some amazing delectables. And to end the evening, Ana and Cody said farewell to a sparkler send off. It was a magical night. Thank you Ana and Cody for choosing us to be your Breckenridge Wedding Planners and letting us share in the fun!
And a special thank you to Rocker in Love for these awesome wedding photos!

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