Mike & Kevin. We love working with couples that really make their wedding day their own. Mike and Kevin definitely did that at their Ten Mile Station Wedding. Being a same sex couple, we could really do the ceremony however we saw fit. First off, they had an all male wedding party. And when I say all male, I mean all male. Even down to the flower girl. Ha! But I should actually say flower man. I have never seen something so hilarious. This flower man took his job very seriously. He sashayed down the aisle while tossing flower petals. At the end he did the Lebron James baby powder toss. It was simply perfection. The grooms knew this would be something to watch so they were even lined up at the window to catch a peek. Second, they each walked down with their mom and dad on their arms. It was so sweet. Alll the feels. The ceremony was amazing. The rain held off and the sun even came out. The day was perfect! After the ceremony guests came into Ten Mile Station for cocktail hour and then dinner. Woodland Breck provided the centerpieces of moss and wood. It literally looked like the outside came inside. It was such a different feel and a refreshing change from the typical floral centerpieces. Raising Cain rocked it as usual. Even the life size Brittany Spears cardboard cutout made a debut. This was an inside joke but from what I can put together Kevin is obsessed with Brittany. Haha! The group danced the night away and had a blast! Thank you to Joe and Robin Photography for capturing the day and sharing these awesome photos!

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